4 Years Old and Up
Things to be aware of for your Prader-Willi Syndrome child from four years & up:
1.) Get your child on interest lists:
These are various government services to help you help your child. They offer different medical & respite benefits which could get your child Medicaid & other help. Lists can take up to 10 years of waiting before the child clears to receive services so get on the lists asap. You should receive a phone call from the state on a yearly basis to ensure your continued interest. Call 877-438-5658 & ask to be enrolled in all three. Click here for more general information.
**Do be aware, the intaker of the call may not know what Prader-Willi Syndrome is. There are so many rare syndromes, they do not have a check box for them all. Instead, know the medical difficulties that come with PWS.
2.) Texas Children's Hospital of Houston holds a Prader-Willi Clinic every other month - Dr. Ann O. Scheimann, a pediatric GI specialist flies in from Maryland for the Prader-Willi Clinic every other month. Call 832-822-3131 for an appointment.
3.) Get doctors you can trust - Build a strong relationship with your doctor(s). Often, it will be up to you, the caregiver, to make sure your doctor has the latest information on PWS. Go to our Medical Resources page for a list of Texas doctors & specialists used by our PWS families. Try to keep yourself educated through national Prader-Willi Association (USA). You are your child's best advocate!!
4.) Search for other PWS families and information:
- Texas Prader-Willi Association on Facebook
- Prader-Willi Syndrome Open Forum on Facebook
- Our national association, Prader-Willi Association (USA)
- Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR) - www.fpwr.org.
5.) Helpful books. Also suggested for parents of infants is the below books meant for the Down Syndrome community. Since both our children & Downs children experience similar low muscle tone & speech delays these can be very helpful in tracking where your child is & what you can do to help them achieve that next milestone. Consider looking to your local library prior to purchasing so that you get a good feel if they are right for you.
- Communication Skills in Children with Down Syndrome A Guide for Parents, by LIbby Kumin, PH. D., CCC-SLP
- Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome, A Guide for Parents and Professionals, by Patricia C. Winders, P.T
- Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome, A Guide for Parents and Professionals, by Maryanne Bruni, BScOT (Reg)
6.) Learn about your options via PPCD (Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities). These services are offered through your zoned school system. IT WILL BE PRUDENT, to educate yourself regarding the procedures & options they provide to get the best care for your child. Sometimes it takes some digging to find the right options for your child. Other parents who are walking through the process ahead of you will be most helpful. PPCD goes from age 3 to Kindergarten. Texas Project First gives more info regarding PPCD. Below is a listing of other resource groups in Texas that can help advocate and assist in understand the process.
7.) Other helpful special needs groups:
- The ARC of Texas
- Your Local Child Advocacy group
- Family to Family Network (they offer a class called Special Ed 101 to help get acclimated to the PPCD/ARD process)
- Partners Resource Network, INC.